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About ICDVRAT Archive 1996-2024

Lets make things better

This Archive is a free resource.

Forthcoming Conference: ICDVRAT 2024

These web pages aim to always provide the latest links to the next ICDVRAT and as information is updated, links here will be updated. The responsibility for the organisation and running of the current/forthcoming conference is exclusively the responsibility of the host institution. Please contact the local organisation for any queries.

ICDVRAT 2024 will be held in Prague, Czech Republic between Sept 3-6, 2024. See the ICDVRAT 2024 and Contact pages for further information.

Archive 1996-2016

The 1996-2016 Section archives all papers as PDFs presented at the ICDVRAT Conferences between the years 1996 and 2016, together with supplementary material on conference locations and some photos from the events themselves.

2018 Onwards

From 2018, conferences were organised to maximise publications in high impact journals. This approach necessitated a move away from the archiving of all papers. Nevertheless, links are provided in the 2018-2022 section to the conference programmes, organisation committees and original conference websites on the host institutions' web pages.


The copyright of all material on these webpages is retained by ICDVRAT. ICDVRAT will not withhold copyright when requested, should authors wish that their papers (or content within, e.g. images, graphs, data) be published elsewhere.

Archive Sponsors

This ICDVRAT Archive is funded by donations from individuals. If you would like to sponsor the continuation of this resource, please see the Sponsors page.

ICDVRAT Archive History & Management

The ICDVRAT Archive website evolved from the first ICDVRAT website (originally hosted at "icdvrat|reading|ac|uk" and mirrored on "www|icdvrat|org") as initiated in 1996 by Paul Sharkey, founder of ICDVRAT.

In 2016, Paul Sharkey retired from the ongoing organisation of the ICDVRAT Conference Series. He was awarded the title of Permanent Honorary President at the 13th ICDVRAT, Serpa, Portugal, in 2021 and continues to help in maintaining this Archive on the official www.icdvrat.com domain.

CyberSquatter and the original *.ORG website

The original ICDVRAT website "www|icdvrat|org" was once a good thing. Unfortunately, a Swedish cybersquatter has managed to capture that domain name and tries to pass it off as the official conference series website. Anyone who takes an interest will be able to quickly determine that it is a fraud. Please do not waste your time with this. Many thanks!

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